
Judy and I love to travel, especially to Europe and Mexico. We often get asked about our travel experiences, tips and recommendations.

This site is for people who love to travel. I’m not talking about planning a spelunking trip in the Serengeti or base jumping in Bali but about helping you plan that trip to Europe you’ve been dreaming about.

We will cover tools, tips and tricks for planning and enjoying your vacation. The tools available today are amazing, the data available for finding deals are like never before. We hope to provide insights into how best to use these new capabilities so you can experience your greatest adventure in the best possible way, at the best possible price, with the fewest possible problems.

Looking forward to your support of our community! My greatest experiences from traveling happened when I needed to rely on the kindness of strangers to get me through a difficult situation. There are a host of people whose names I will never know that I thank every chance I get by giving the same kindness to others. Let’s build that kind of culture on this site.

…almost the whole world’s asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.   …only a few people are awake. And they live in a state of constant, total amazement.” – from Joe vs. the Volcano

So grab an espresso and a Panini  and read on…
